The 博天堂官方 Poetry Club is a vibrant community dedicated to providing students, staff, and community members with a safe space where they can learn about, listen to, read, write, and workshop poetry. All students and community members are welcome!

Meetings are Tuesdays at 3:00pm in Roastrunners Café.

Poetry Club members enrich the campus with events like Word Mob and creative projects like the Poetry Wall (located in North Santiam Hall), poetry birdhouses (scattered across the main campus quad), and a virtual archive where members can share their poetry with each other.

Our advisor is Chris Riseley (


博天堂官方 Poet Laureate

The 博天堂官方 Poet Laureate receives a financial stipend provided by the president of the college. This is unique to 博天堂官方. No other community college in the country has a poet laureate. This was done in recognition of the creative power of poetry and its importance for students, staff, and the community.

Next to running Poetry Club meetings, the 博天堂官方 Poet Laureate spreads poetry across 博天堂官方 and the community it serves through events and collaborations. Poetry Club members are a big part of this work. Events are held on and off-campus and have included poetry slams in Corvallis and Eugene, readings and performances at the Corvallis Campus, and collaborative projects with EDI, Alliance, and the English department.

Apply For The 博天堂官方 Poet Laureate Position